About the IDT Studio
The IDT Studio exists to support Faculty in creating professional, high quality content to promote learning and engagement and foster theological education. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Dan Errico at Daniel.Errico@AsburySeminary.edu.
Scheduling Studio Appointments with Calendly
We schedule our studio appointments using Calendly, which allows us to sync our calendars and avoid most scheduling conflicts. Appointments can be made by clicking the button above. When you schedule an appointment with us, you will get an email from Calendly confirming the appointment. If you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment you can do it directly from that email. In the rare case that something comes up on our end, we will try our best to contact you directly before cancelling or rescheduling.
Important Things to Know Before Your Studio Appointment
If you have never been to the studio before, we kindly ask that you take a moment to review the items below. These will assist you in preparing for your studio appointment.
The studio is located in SH322 on the third floor of Stanger Hall, across from the ESJ office. Once you're there, look for the "On Air" light and the double doors.

Generally, what you would wear in the classroom is what is appropriate in the studio, but there are a few things that you should consider when you plan to be on camera:
- Avoid Black, White, and Red. These colors can sometimes make it difficult to get a “natural” look on camera, so try and wear something else.
- If you're using the Lightboard, do not wear very dark colors, as you will be standing in front of a black background.
- Avoid fine patterns, these can cause some strange effects on camera. Bigger patterns are better.
- Wear something comfortable.
- If possible, wearing something with lapels or an opening in the front is preferred, because that provides an easy place to attach a microphone.
- Avoid tinted lenses in glasses. We want to be able to see your face, and tinted lenses and transitions can make this difficult under studio lights.
- Avoid overly reflective or noisy jewelry.
If you want to use any visual aids in your video, we can do that! We just ask that you let us know before your studio appointment. If you want to run a powerpoint while you present, please bring whatever you would bring to a classroom to present the same material. Notes for PowerPoints:
- Please set your presentation’s aspect ratio to 16:9
- We will use an HDMI (1080p) input. Know what adapters your computer needs to connect to HDMI!
- We have clickers that you can use if you let us know you will need it. We highly recommend using a clicker if you will be standing away from your computer. You know your content much better than we do, and you will know when you want the slide to change more than we could!
A clear, defined message is key to any communication. Knowing exactly what you want your audience to understand will make the entire process of video production much more fruitful.
Writing a script will help you and the production team be on the same page, and it will help us know how we can best help you. Giving us the script in advance can also help us collaborate with you to make sure your ideas are presented in the best way possible. Once you're done, you can even incorporate your script into canvas, which can be a helpful tool to make our classrooms more accessible to those with disabilities!
It can help to have been through the material before you try and record it. Practice your delivery and be aware of how loud you’re speaking.
If you want to read from a script, consider using a teleprompter. This will allow you to look directly into the camera as you read, which will help you connect with your audience. If you would like to use the teleprompter, please email a script ahead of time to Daniel.Errico@AsburySeminary.edu.
- Silence your cell phone! Nothing is worse than getting through a great take and having it be interrupted by a cell phone ringing.
- Sit/stand up straight and smile; you’ll sound better, we promise!
- Try not to go from speaking softly to speaking loudly too much. Dynamics are a great tool, but you can get away with a lot more dynamic range in person than you can with a microphone. This isn’t to say that you should never change volumes, just be conscious of how drastic the changes you are making are.
- Above all, remember that we are working together to prepare theologically educated, sanctified, Spirit-filled men and women for ministry. Don’t feel too much pressure, and focus on helping your students the best you can.
This video outlines what we are capable of doing in the studio. Feel free to click through the other tabs to see examples of what we do.
Our Lightboard is a great tool if you prefer to use a whiteboard in class or you just want to make videos that are a little different! The lightboard works just like a whiteboard, except it is a clear piece of glass that is lit from the side. This allows you to write, diagram, and draw in the middle of your lecture!
Our studio is most often used to record Talking Head lectures for classes. We can capture multiple sources simultaneously, so feel free to use anything you would like to enhance your presentation (powerpoint, tablet, whiteboard, etc.). We encourage you to think of this space as an extension of your classroom, and we want to empower you to teach according to your teaching style.
Our studio is equipped with multiple Cameras and a full lighting setup, and this makes in studio interviews very possible. Whether you'd prefer a one-on-one, panel-moderator, or straight to camera setup, we're happy to help you produce the content you envision for your class!
Whether you're marking up text, showing off new software, or making tutorials, sometimes the best way to teach is to show exactly how you'd do it. When this is the case, we often turn to screen capture solutions to provide practical guides, lessons, and tutorials.