Archives and Special Collections hours:
We welcome visiting researchers, however, due to limited staffing, please contact us ahead of time to be sure we will be open or make an appointment if you are planning on coming to visit us.
The Archives and Special Collections of the B.L. Fisher Library at Asbury Theological Seminary are committed to the preservation and promotion of our Wesleyan-Holiness heritage. We acquire, process, and make accessible material to further academic research for those interested in Asbury Theological Seminary, Methodist history, and the Holiness Movement, along with other related subject areas. We encourage and welcome visiting scholars to use our collections for their work, and equally welcome those making inquiries about possible donations of material to continue building our world-class collection.
Sumerian Cuneiform Tablet
(ca. 2701 BCE)
Fired Clay
Source unknown
(1" X 1" X .5")
George Herbert Livingston Collection
Image of a Christian Ashram in India
(ca. 1950)
Photographic image
Photographer unknown
Papers of E. Stanley Jones
Signed Image of Hannah Whitall Smith
Photographic image
Papers of Hannah Whitall Smith
Great Temperance Meeting Poster
Ink printed on paper
Papers of Hannah Whitall Smith
Falls of Eternal Despair (Camp Meeting Painting)
(ca. 1910)
J.W. Mallett, Norwich, CT
Oil painting on heavy muslin
210.83 cm X 274.2 cm (83" X 108")
Papers of Arthur Greene
H.C. Morrison at an Unknown Camp Meeting
(ca. 1910)
Photographic image
Photographer unknown
Photographic Archives of Asbury Theological Seminary
Solomon Dedicates the Temple
(ca. 1910)
Providence Lithograph Co., RI
Lithograph on heavy paper
Sunday School Collection
A.A. Allen Healing Service in Cuba
(ca. 1956)
Photographic image
Photographer unknown
The Brook at the Douglas Camp Meeting, Mass.
Photographic image
Photographer unknown
Papers of the Christian Holiness Association
Broken Pewter Fork
(ca. 1800)
Bone and pewter
George Herbert Livingston Collection
Sveta Bozh'yego Ne Vidish'
(You Cannot See The Light of God)
Ink printed on paper
Papers of Mark Elliott
Flyer for Shelhamer Talk
(ca. 1940)
Ink printed on paper
Papers of the Shelhamer Family
Piriform Juglet (Similar to Tell El-Yehudiyya Type)
(ca. 1700-1550 BCE)
Middle Bronze Age II
Fired clay vessel
Source: Ai66 Tomb F8
Excavation of Ai in 1966
4.25" high X 3" wide
George Herbert Livingston Collection
Water Buffalo and Watchtower
(ca. 1900)
Ernest F. Ward
Pencil drawing on paper
Papers of E.F. Ward
E. Stanley Jones
Holding up three fingers was the Ashram Movement's
sign that "Jesus is Lord"
(ca. 1970)
Photographic image
Photographer unknown