Encyclopedia of Africa by Henry Louis Gates (Editor); Kwame Anthony Appiah (Editor)Call Number: http://www.oxfordreference.com.ezproxy.asburyseminary.edu/view/10.1093/acref/9780195337709.001.0001/acref-9780195337709?rskey=IoQ1yU&result=1&q=encyclopedia%20of%20africa
ISBN: 9780195337709
Publication Date: 2010-02-17
The Encyclopedia of Africa presents the most up-to-date and thorough reference on this region of ever-growing importance in world history, politics, and culture. Its core is comprised of the entries focusing on African history and culture from 2005's acclaimed five-volume Africana - nearly two-thirds of these 1,300 entries have been updated, revised, and expanded to reflect the most recent scholarship. Organized in an A-Z format, the articles cover prominent individuals, events, trends, places, political movements, art forms, business and trade, religions, ethnic groups, organizations, and countries throughout Africa. There are articles on contemporary nations of sub-Saharan Africa, ethnic groups from various regions of Africa, and European colonial powers. Other examples include Congo River, Ivory trade, Mau Mau rebellion, and Pastoralism. The Encyclopedia of Africa is sure to become the essential resource in the field.