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Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The Process


  • Asbury Theological Seminary researchers and IRB members share responsibility for ensuring that research involving human participants is conducted (1) within the confines of the Seminary’s jurisdiction and mission, (2) meets federal Health and Human Services legal requirements set forth in 45 CRS 46, and (3) meets the ethical principles of the Belmont Report for IRB approval of research and informed consent. The Belmont Report emphasizes respect for persons, beneficence, and justice.                                                                                                                  
  • Research conducted at Asbury Theological Seminary involves students, faculty, and staff.                                              
  • The IRB application process is outlined below.                                                                                                                             
  • No applications will be processed in June, July or December.
  • Full Board Review IRB studies will be reviewed four times per year. The IRB Support Committee Member will send out meeting invitations for 9:00-12:00 on the first Monday of October, November, March, and April. Special meetings may be called at alternate times.                                                                                                                
  • The IRB process takes at a minimum 30-60 days for exempt or expedited reviews and a minimum of 90 days for a full Board review. These timeframes do not include the months of June, July, and December.                                              
  • The Institutional Review Board is comprised of faculty members. Keep in mind that this committee task is only one of the many responsibilities of faculty members.                                                                                                                  
  • All questions and all documents should be sent to


Prior to Applying

  • Do not schedule dates to begin your research data collection until you have IRB approval.
  • Read the following document: REQUIREMENTS FOR IRB REVIEW AND APPROVAL.
  • Gather all your documents to be used in your research to help you complete your application.
    • Informed Consent Letter (as adapted for your project)
    • Questionnaires, surveys, interview or focus group questions
    • Permission Letters
    • Any additional supporting documents you may be submitting with your application (e.g., confidentiality agreement)
  • Ensure that you have all the approvals and are completing the process for program requirements, including the approval of the mentor/advisor before applying.
  • Complete the required Protecting Human Research Participants Course and download your Certificate of Completion, and score, as a PDF to be submitted with your application.


Application Process

  • Complete a practice application
  • You cannot save your application to finish at a later time. Plan to complete the application in one sitting.
  • If you would like to prepare effectively for the application process, there is a practice application that you may complete.
  • You are not required to fill out a practice application.
  • Fill out the application
    • Be sure to follow the stated directions.
    • You must complete all questions. If there are questions that do not apply, indicate this in the application.
  • Ensure all supporting documentation ready to submit electronically, and send these through the IRB email
    • Informed Consent Letter (as adapted for your project)
    • Questionnaires, surveys, interview or focus group questions
    • Permission Letters
    • Any additional supporting documents you may be submitting with your application (e.g., confidentiality agreement)


After Application

  • You will be e-mailed a copy of your application.
  • You will receive an acknowledgement email upon receipt of your supporting documentation.
  • The IRB committee will review your application and supporting documents. If there are questions, clarifications, or changes, these will be emailed to you.
  • After minor changes, clarifications, and questions are answered, the IRB committee will review these.
  • After all changes, clarifications and questions are completed, the IRB committee will provide the applicant notification of the next steps.
  • If a Full Board Review is merited, the applicant will be informed of the date of the meeting. The Full Board Review will address the research factors related to protected and vulnerable populations.
  • Once all requirements have been met for approval, the IRB committee will inform you of your approval and assign a number to you.

After Approval

  • Your approval number will be emailed to you.
  • The applicant may begin research as directed by the program requirements.
  • There will be periodic reports required (every six months) as required by law that will be emailed to you for completion and return to