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OpenAthens for Library Access

Authenticating from Library Links

Use Library Links

Use our library links to e-journals, ebooks, and databases so that you can be authenticated as a current student, faculty, or staff member.

These links will take you first to a prompt to choose your login method.  In almost every case, you will log in by choosing "Sign in at Asbury Theological Seminary."

Use your Abury Seminary Username and Password

You will then be redirected to the familiar campus login page:

ATS Login


In special cases, Library Guests will choose to log in as a "Library Guest" with a provided OpenAthens account. In that case, this is the login screen you should see and you will use either your personal email address or the provided username for OpenAthens. 

OpenAthens account login


Once you login

You will be asked to authenticate less often

An OpenAthens session stays active for up to 8 hours, unless you clear your browser cache and cookies. On some publisher websites, you may be asked ot authenticate more often.