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Making the Most of Technology in Your Course

Created to assist faculty in preparing for potential or definite course transitions to online during the Fall 2020 term (due to the COVID-19 epidemic).


As you are planning to teach online, you are probably trying to decide how best to provide your lecture content to your students.  There are two primary lecture delivery methods when it comes to online instruction: Synchronous and Asynchronous.

Synchonous: This delivery method refers to a live, real-time delivery of content.  When you lecture in a standard, in-person classroom environment, that is synchronous delivery.  Online, this would involve connecting to your students via a video conferencing solution to lecture in a live session.

Asynchronous: This delivery method refers to recording your lecture in advance and providing the recording to your students to watch at their own convenience.

Please check out the following sub-sections on Synchronous and Asynchronous delivery to see what the Instructional Design and Technology team recommends on both of these delivery methods.